Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Dark Side of God

I have been making it a practice to thank all sides of the ALMIGHTY - the light, the dark, the male and the female.

I have to say my focus has been a little off but I have felt less anxious overall. I have been reading a text called The Chaldean Magic. It is a study of the roots of known magic from the Accadians. It just makes me want to run to France and hit every museum they have.

The author is kind of an ass. He elevates conjuring and ritual magic yet condemns witchcraft or folk magic as sinful. His uppity condescension is not lost. There are still so many of "him"; Namely, the Catholic Church of which I belong and have since birth. I find it amusing how a human decides what is bad and what is good and so on. This joker even quotes the Bible out of one side of his mouth and speaks demonology out of another. He is a pretentious fool. The subject matter is academically sound if you can drudge through all the unwanted opinion. 

I recently got my hands on a Scandinavian trolldom. What a find! Some of the spells are quite funny such as: A spell to make your neighbor's cow unruly for him. It is has many more of modern value but the oldies are certainly goodies. 

I will have to share more of them. 

Interestingly, back to the original topic: I went to see fireworks on July 04, 2016. Normally, mosquitoes kill each other to get to me. It is sad really. They love my blood! So, I decided to ask Mother Lilith to protect me from her tiny nighttime vampires being that I am her daughter and all. She granted me my ask! All around me people were slapping and spraying on bug spray. I got 3 bites. Just 3! I thanked her and let her know the 3 bites I got were accepted because after all she has to be a little devious, right?

I cast a shadow circle once this past year. It gave a cool sensation as they swirled around me. Protecting me. I haven't gotten to where I can take them in and be under control but I will get there. 
Right there as I cast my energy and ask - two of the candles fell over at a very pivotal time in the ritual. That was such a strong reaction that it took me by surprise. My faith was forever increased. 
Additionally, I went to the basement later and realized that I had indeed called Lilith's creatures and out they came - into my basement! Icky. They have since gone back home. 

Got to keep on keeping on....

I have been gone for a little while. I found myself hospitalized for 11 days! Perhaps it was retribution for any magic I have cast?

I was in a lot of pain. I was actually bleeding inside and had lost a large amount of blood. It has taken quite a long time to almost get back to normal.

But, that is the way of the universe. Balance. You cannot expect not to pay for that which you witch for. LOL.

I have been looking for a group of like minded people online, off-line, you name it. It is just really difficult. I am not too sure many people see things the way I do. Then there is the possibility that I am far too serious when it comes to my religion.

I watch the video I have posted here and wonder what it would be like to share a mind or consciousness. Can you imagine the power coming from 5,7 or 13? Amazing.

I would love that.
